A Friend in Need: How Albertans Continue to Keep Federal Finances Afloat, 2020

  • In studies published in 2017 and 2019, we measured Alberta’s net contribution to Canada’s economy during the most recent economic boom in the province. The first of these studies showed that when it comes to overall economic growth, job creation, or business investment, Alberta made a substantial contribution to the health of the Canadian economy from 2004 to 2014, a contribution significantly disproportionate to the size of the province’s population.

  • Alberta’s large contribution has helped stabilize federal finances and prevented the federal government from running even larger deficits. In 2018/19, for example, in the absence of Alberta’s net contribution and if all else had remained equal, Canada’s deficit would have been over $29.3 billion—more than twice the $14 billion that was in fact the case.

READ MORE: https://www.fraserinstitute.org/studies/a-friend-in-need-how-albertans-continue-to-keep-federal-finances-afloat-2020


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Alberta and Saskatchewan need...

Ⓒ 2020 - Buffalo Project

Are you kidding me?

  • 69% of Canadians say our country is broken
  • Alberta and Saskatchewan report unprecedented levels of alienation
  • $150 BILLION worth of energy projects have been recently shelved
  • Canada has the worst GDP growth per capita in the G7 since 2014
  • Activists are successfully shutting down our parts of our economy

How are we wrong?

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