700 people attended the Value of Alberta Conference on Saturday, January 18th in Calgary.
It was put on by Alberta Proud, Modern Miracle Network, Canadians for Democracy & Prosperity and the Buffalo Project.
The event was oversold and many people wanted tickets but simply couldn’t get one.
The momentum for structural change to benefit Alberta and Saskatchewan is clearly building – and this conference was an important part of that.
Here are some links to media articles about the conference:
Herald: Autonomy and separatism take spotlight at Value of Alberta conference
Herald: Climate action to blame for Alberta’s woes, says Conrad Black
CTV: Benefits of Alberta autonomy, separatism weighed at Calgary conference
Western Standard: Independence’s would-be leaders not willing to stand up yet
Thanks to all those involved with the planning for putting on a tremendously successful event!
And thanks to all our founders for being involved to help make this event possible.